Friday, December 11, 2009

The Blindside: A Review

I along with most of America went to see The Blindside. At first I was confused because I thought it was about Ray Charles. But I guess it was a different kind of blind. First, let me say that I do not want to watch Joe Theisman get his leg broken, that kind of pain just makes me sick. However, I do love watching people get hurt. A few things about the movie:

  • Sandra Bullock is quite the bitch in the movie, but a hot one at that. I however can't take her acting career seriously since Miss Congeniality.
  • Speaking of hot, Collins in the movie is the daughter of Phil Collins.
  • I much prefered Tim McGraw as a abusive dad in Friday Night Lights, than as a nice guy in The Blindside
  • Speaking of Tim McGraw, he cuts a nice figure compared to the actual dad looked like.

All these reasons are why I prefer my movies to have Morgan Freeman in them. INVICTUS COMES OUT TODAY!!!:

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