Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Love and Marriage

There comes a time in everybody's life when they lose someone close to them. While you may think I'm not talking about couldn't be more farther from the truth. I'm talking about marriage.

I was fine with Tom getting married because it wasn't so much that we were losing a friend as we were gaining an awesome Jenny. Because Tom is a lucky man and by that point in his life, he had settled down and wasn't the wild and crazy guy we once knew him as. Plus, the wedding was awesome.

But the point of the post is about a good friend and former runner Jarren, Jarren just got engaged yesterday and it bothers me. I'm happy for him and you can believe I will be at the wedding. There is just something weird about it. Yesterday during the warm-up, the Captain made the funniest comment that I heard in a while. He said, "I can remember a little over seven months ago when Jarren was on this very same track; drunk, naked and only wearing a football helmet yelling 'don't look at my small penis'". So in my heart, I believe that Jarren is not ready to settle down. He only came out of his shell last year. But with death there is rebirth and he is in love and I'm proud of him getting married. That is why I gave him some advice.
But with death there is rebirth:

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