Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is a tradition the world over and at the C-Breezy house it is no different. The one exception is that, this is the first year I worked on Christmas Eve. It wasn't too bad for the little work I did and I came home early. But Christmas Eve involves going over to my aunt and uncle's house for my cousin's birthday.

Let be tangent here for a moment and tell you a funny story from when I was like three. My parents, possessing the same amount of wit and humor as myself one time for my cousin's birthday gave him probably the best gift ever. We went over with this huge box. It was about four feet by four feet. My cousin lit up with excitement when he saw it. But inside that box was a smaller box, then a smaller box, then a smaller box. After about ten boxes, my cousin reaches the prize...a Barney tie. I have never seen anyone looked more defeated than when he saw the outcome.

But some highlights of the dinner include:
  • My other cousin's husband, which would make him like a third cousin twice removed, is from New Jersey and Italian. Needless to say, I made many references to him being a Guido.
  • Most of my cousins have grown up and had kids. And I would like to say it's a scary thought when your mom says that you're good with kids. However, if any ladies out there think I would be a good dad, leave your numbers in the comment page.
  • But most importantly, the nectar of life was there. Bud Light.

So now I am getting ready to go to church with a buzz and I want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas.


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