Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Favorite TV Show

Most people know that I am a die hard Mad Men fan. That show is awesome. But given how my class load worked out last semester, I was a TV fanatic. Below is a look at my daily schedule:

9:00 Wake Up
10:30 Watch an hour of Home Improvement
11:30 Catch the end of The Price is Right
12:00 Scooby-Doo and the Pink Panther
1:00 Nap
4:00 Practice
7:00 Family Guy marathon
10:00 South Park

That was my day, basically everyday. Watching Tim Taylor joke around with with Al Borland about his mom. Drew Carey, not be as good as Bob Barker during the Showcase Showdown. A lot of people don't realize it, but the Pink Panther is a very funny cartoon. Running a little on the side and my day was rocking.

But with the season finale of Mad Men and being on break, my attention turns to the two best shows that have ever come out: The Jersey Shore and Teen Mom. MTV has outdone itself. Jersey Shore is ridiculous, it is basically the Real World + Italian people. Because in a perfect world, all guidettes would have poofs and all guidos would have blowouts. Hell, I wish I had a blowout. Because then me and The Situation could go lift weights and tan together.

But a show that touches my heart and makes me giggle like a school girl is Teen Mom. The funny scale during 16 and Pregnant was like a level 10. But Teen Mom took it to a level 11. It can't be healthy that I find people's misery funny but I do. During Teen Mom, these people are the most dysfunctional people ever. The boy and girl who have a kid together and live with their mom and dad is hilarious. If the parents have a kid together is that a sibling or a cousin.

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