Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Finals and Beach Week II

Well...it looks like finals are slowly approaching. Granted that I'm not too concerned about my grades so instead of studying, I'll be blogging and laughing at people for panicking about their grades. But after years of observation, I've noticed that our team has the following study stragies:

  • The Girls: The girls team will not sleep over the four day period of finals and will find their reserve in caffeine. While their hard work is admirable and makes them look like Japanese businessmen who work 90 hour weeks, they will eventually die from stress. But in the good news department, they will be on the dean's list...except for Stank (she's dumb). I will admit that I used to be a part of this group and would only manage around three hours of sleep a night during finals, but I'm a changed man now.
  • The Guys: A few of the guys on the team will panic when they realize they might be ineligible for next season, so they will only study for one class and panic about that.
  • I myself, given that I cannot possibly fail out of school at this point nor lose any scholarships will relax and maybe study in between hours of watching the boob tube.
  • The Captain: if there is one study strategy that has paid off brilliantly for somebody, it would be the Captain's plan to not study and only play Grand Theft Auto during finals week. I myself am not sure how he does it but he was an Academic All-American...so the results speak for themselves.


Well, as a group we now know the dates for our next beach week. In the spirit of making things seem more important than they are, this coming year will be called BEACH WEEK II: Party in the USA. People can rest assured that I will be pushing my harder even harder this year. None of this lame four to five hours of sleep, I'm going to hope to get 2.5 hours of sleep...during the entire week.

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